Monday, July 27, 2015

LC makes BIBFRAME training materials available

In preparation for its much-anticipated BIBFRAME cataloging pilot project, the Library of Congress has developed training materials for staff involved in the pilot, and made the first of three modules available online at Module one is divided into two sets of slides, plus supplementary reading/viewing assignments and brief quizzes. The training materials are designed for experienced catalogers and do not assume prior knowledge of linked data concepts.

The first set of slides provides a brief introduction to the concepts behind the Sematic Web and linked data, and the evolution of the World Wide Web from a web of documents to a web of data. It explains the need to move bibliographic data out of its MARC silo and onto the Semantic Web.

The second set of slides delves into the principles underlying RDF (Resource Description Framework), the “language of the Web.” Detailed, clearly presented examples of RDF triples provide a concrete visualization of what bibliographic data structured in RDF looks like.

Although I found a number of typos in the slides (I AM a cataloger, after all!), I found the training materials very helpful in confirming and deepening my knowledge of linked data and the Semantic Web. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Conversations about RDA

LJ INFOdocket reports that the Library of Congress has released an new series of training videos, "Conversations about RDA".   Topics include:
  • Compare and contrast: AACR2 and RDA in the bibliographic record
  • Undifferentiated personal name headings
  • Cataloger judgement and statement of responsibility
  • Capitalization, abbreviations & numbers
  • Exercising judgment in the statement of responsiblity
The videos average 20 minutes and provide focused looks at a topical areas. The videos are linked from the Library of Congress Webcast page within the Science and Technology category.