Friday, July 18, 2008

Update on Next Generation Cataloging and Metadata Creation Pilot

Earlier this year, OCLC announced a pilot project to explore upstream metadata capture and metadata enhancement using publisher and vendor ONIX (Online Information Exchange) metadata. Here's an overview of how the pilot is progressing and the next steps.

Between January and June 2008, OCLC:
* enhanced the OCLC ONIX to MARC crosswalk.
* created the OCLC MARC to ONIX crosswalk.
* defined rules and hierarchies for mining existing WorldCat records to enhance ONIX metadata and to enhance or create records in WorldCat.
* developed software to perform creation and enhancement activities.
* began receiving ONIX metadata from publisher and vendor pilot partners.
* developed evaluative tools and case study templates for reporting on pilot results.
* began to collect statistical information on metadata received and enhanced.
* continued to refine crosswalks, rules for enhancement and software based on live data.
* began defining mapping between DDC and publisher BISAC (Book Industry Standards and Communications) subject headings.

Results thus far provide proof of concept that metadata can be created and enhanced through these processes.

Three pilot partners submitting approximately 1,000 ONIX records each:
* Total records processed: 2,935
* Total records matched in WorldCat: 2,724
* Total records with no exact match: 211
* Total records enhanced: 2,706

One pilot partner submitting a larger data set:
* Total records processed: 7,649
* Total records matched in WorldCat: 6,584
* Total records with no exact match: 1,065
* Total records enhanced: 6,565

During July and August, OCLC will wrap up the pilot and provide final statistics, pilot partner evaluations, case studies and recommendations for moving forward to library and publisher supply chain communities. OCLC welcomes input from both communities on new ways to think about cataloging and metadata creation in support of both library and publishing needs.

Pilot overview:

(OCLC Abstracts)

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