Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Visual "map" of the metadata landscape for standards most commonly used

Indiana University librarian Jenn Riley has done an impressive visual "map" of the metadata landscape for standards most commonly used in the cultural heritage sector. She created this map of metadata standards to assist planners with the selection and implementation of metadata standards. She also provides an 18-page glossary with brief descriptions of the purpose of each standard.

To check it out, click the following link:  
"Seeing Standards: A Visualization of the Metadata Universe."  

Friday, June 11, 2010

Strategy Framework for Digital Natives

Blowers, Helene. "From Realities to Values: A Strategy Framework for Digital Natives" Computers in Libraries 30(4)(May 2010): 6-10. At:

When technology changes constantly, how can an institution support their digital initiatives? Blowers summarized the young digital generation's perceptions of digital identity, privacy, creativity, piracy/sharing, and advocacy. As she points out, technologies come and go, but the reasons that people gravitate toward them do not. She identifies common threads that support the social and emotional needs of Digital Natives: engagement, enrichment, and empowerment. Libraries can use these three factors to help measure the potential social ROI (Return On Influence) of digital projects and online initiatives.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Examples illustrating differences between AACR2 and RDA

The Library of Congress has made available examples illustrating differences between AACR2 and RDA. The examples are provided as part of their documentation for the RDA Test. 

Some examples have only a few fields; others are more complete; some are made-up examples; some illustrate more than one category, but only appear in one category; and some examples are accompanied by RDA citations and other comments. 

One such category of examples is Legal Works. Additional examples will be added on an ongoing basis.
