Monday, June 24, 2013

ALCTS E-forum on Training for Resource Description and Access

In mid-May ALCTS sponsored an e-forum on training for RDA.  The forum was focused around four areas of discussion:  
-Large libraries with more resources.
-Small libraries with fewer resource.
-Training needs of professional staff/original catalogers.
-Training needs of support staff/copy catalogers and non-cataloging staff.

Libraries are using many strategies to manage the transition to RDA.  These include forming task forces to handle RDA implementation and training, self-study, using Library of Congress online training materials, attending external training or hiring trainers to run sessions on site, and taking for-fee online courses.

Training tips included:
-Identify/create format specific documentation.
-Use mappings available in the RDA Toolkit to help transition staff members.
-Introduce RDA and FRBR concepts over time - don't expect to make an instant transition.
-Remember that learning styles differ and provide access to training materials that work for differing learning styles.
-Be creative!
-Decide on and document local policies.

An archive and summary of the eforum are available.

ALCTS sponsors e-forums on a regular basis.  They conducted as e-mail discussions and are freely available.  See for more information.

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