Monday, May 14, 2012

Think Like a Startup

Mathews, Brian. Think like a startup: a white paper to inspire library entrepreneurialism. (3 April 2012). At:

This is a working paper published in the VTechWorks digital repository. Brian Mathews is the Associate Dean for Learning & Outreach at Virginia Tech. Mathews intended to inspire transformative thinking using insight into startup culture and innovation methodologies. He stated that "We don’t just need change, we need breakthrough, paradigm-shifting, transformative, disruptive ideas." He listed his points in the summary section at the end of the article, including: "Launching a good idea is always better than not launching an awesome one," "The library is a platform, not a place, website, or person," "Libraries need less assessment and more R&D," "Good ideas are usable, feasible, and valuable," and "Build a strategic culture, not a strategic plan".

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